Letter from Fr. Tim

April 2, 2020

Dear St. Bernadette family,

I hope everyone is doing well (at least as well as can be expected) during this time. As we near the beginning of Holy Week, taking place this weekend with Palm Sunday, we do so realizing that this will not feel the same as it has in the past. And we just learned that the suspension of all public Masses in the state of Ohio will be extended through and including Sunday, May 3rd. So, our experience in the desert, so to speak, will continue into the Easter season.

I do want to offer an update, specifically regarding Holy Week and Easter. We will continue to have some Masses/liturgies live streamed, as a way of keeping a connection. So, this is the plan of events that will be live-streamed on Facebook:

Sunday, April 5th – Palm Sunday Mass at 6:30 am (Please note that palms will not be blessed or distributed this year.)

Thursday, April 9th – Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 pm

Friday, April 10th – Stations of the Cross at 12 noon & Good Friday liturgy at 3:00 pm

Sunday, April 12th – Easter Sunday Mass at 6:30 am

I will be celebrating an Easter Vigil Mass on the evening of the 11th, but this will not be live-streamed (and will be much simplified compared to a normal Easter Vigil). Please note that both the church and the Blessed Sacrament chapel will be closed during the above-mentioned times.

The Church will be open again this Sunday (April 5) from 8 am until 12 noon. There will not be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, but there will be an opportunity for Confession. There may be other prayers/events that will be live-streamed, so continue to check our Facebook page, parish web site, and parish app for all the updates.

On a positive note, we have had several people who have reached out to us, letting us know of their willingness to help others in need. This generosity is greatly appreciated. If you, or someone you know, has a specific need at this time, please let us know. We have individuals and families willing to help.

If there is something extremely urgent (such as a medical emergency or a death), call 513-549-2198.

Our parish and school staff, of course, continue to be available. We are checking e-mails and voice mails on a regular basis and doing what we can to continue to bring the Gospel into the lives of others, even if it’s from a distance.

Thank you for continuing to pray for one another, and for our entire parish family. We know that God is still listening, still loving us, and still remaining with us. Know that I and the staff are praying for all of you. We know that God is still with us and continues to hear our prayers and offer us His love. May the coming Holy Week and Easter celebration be a time of conversion, grace, and joy for all of us. St. Bernadette, pray for us!


In Christ,
Fr. Tim

March 18, 2020

Dear St. Bernadette family,

The Lord be with you! We find ourselves in a very challenging time. It seems every aspect of our lives has been drastically impacted by the COVID-19 virus and the precautions taken to try and contain its spread. This, of course, also includes our spiritual lives. With the current prohibition of public Masses and other liturgies, we have most likely experienced sadness, frustration, concern, and a host of other emotions. I say “we” because I, too, have felt it.

I rely on the celebration of the Mass for strength in times like these, so I understand that there is a feeling of great loss for our parishioners, in a very real sense, in this time of not being able to attend Mass or receive our Lord in the Eucharist. I hope you will find comfort in knowing that even though we can’t gather for them, I will continue to celebrate the daily Masses, and I will be praying for all of you and our parish as I do. 

But I do miss praying with you. So, we will be trying to figure out ways to come together in prayer. Here are a few ways that are being planned right now. I will celebrate a private Mass on Sunday morning at 6:30, which should be available to view live on Facebook. The video will then be available to watch later, both on our Facebook page and our parish website. (The reason for the early time is to do it before the sun comes up – allowing much easier lighting to record the video.)

In addition to the Sunday Mass, I will livestream (via Facebook) the praying of the Stations of the Cross on Friday at noon. At 3:00 pm on Friday, I hope to livestream the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, as well, with the intention of praying this devotion at this time each day. More opportunities like this could come up later.

But I know that many of you would like the opportunity to come to St. Bernadette Church to pray there. We aren’t able to have any public liturgies at this time, of course. Our Blessed Sacrament chapel continues to be open at the usual times for individual prayer. Also, this Sunday, March 22nd, and hopefully, each Sunday at least until Easter, I will have the main church open as well. The plan is to have the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar with the church being open from 8 am until 12 noon. We do ask that you maintain social distancing, though, and use sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Confessions will also be offered during this 4-hour period. These will not be in the usual confessional, but, rather, in the sacristy, to provide more space. Of course, if someone is sick, has any symptoms, or is especially vulnerable to getting sick, they are asked to remain at home, for their own sake and the sake of others.

During this time, the staff and I will do our best to serve you as we can. We will still be checking e-mails and phone messages on a regular basis. If you are in need, please do not hesitate to let us know. If there is something extremely urgent (such as a medical emergency or a death), call 513-549-2198. Continue to check our parish website, Facebook page, and parish app for updates. And continue to pray. During this season of Lent, we are especially reminded of the Cross of Jesus. Let us unite our own crosses to His, as we hold on to the hope that, after this journey through the desert, God will lead us to the promised land, and to our sharing in the Resurrection of Jesus!

May God bless all of you,

Fr. Tim

Admin Assistant