Pray for Peace

In light of present circumstances, Archbishop Schnurr has given permission for the Mass for Various Needs and Occasions “For the Preservation of Peace & Justice” to be celebrated on Sunday, Feb 27 (cf. GIRM 374), along with the readings of the day. This Mass formulary may also be used on any of the remaining weekdays prior to Ash Wednesday.

Pope Francis has called for March 2 (Ash Wednesday) to be observed as a day of prayer and fasting for peace.

You can find Pope Francis’ prayer for peace here.

Consider one or more of the following intentions for the Universal Prayer in the coming days at Mass:

  • For an end to the violence perpetrated by harsh words, deadly weapons, or cold indifference; may our homes, our nation, and countries around the world become havens of peace, let us pray to the Lord…

  • For the grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language or culture…

  • For solidarity in our global human family, that we may work together to protect those who are most vulnerable and most in need…

  • For leaders of nations and all who hold the public trust, that they may seek the way of peace together…

You can find more resources on the USCCB website.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us!

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